City of Gold Tour

Holy Jerusalem from through the eyes of the great religions

Begin day with a visit to the Jewish Quarter en route to the Western Wall, the remaining portion of the Temple complex which served as a symbol of the troubled fortunes of exile. It remains the closest spot to the Holy of Holies for Jews to pray and often considered the location where heaven meets earth. We will have time for private moments to place notes in the wall or to say a prayer.

Temple Mount, the holiest place in Judaism, third holiest in Islam, and the former headquarters of the Crusader Knights Templar. See up close the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque, some of the grandest examples of Islamic architecture.

Stop for Lunch at one of the Old City’s famed hummus restaurants of the Muslim Quarter for a taste of some of the best hummus in the world.

Walk along the Via Dolorosa and the holiest sites in Christianity, including the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Explore the Muslim Quarter and Christian Quarters through both ancient and modern lenses.

Finish the day with a tour of Mount Zion, including King David’s tomb, the Coenaculum – room of the Last Supper, and the viewpoint which was the closest Jews could get to the Western Wall during the days of the divided city – 1948-1967.